Inspiramais releases fashion in footwear materials in July

Preparation of the fashion chain for the 26th edition of INSPIRAMAIS, an exhibit that will present over a thousand materials divided into components and inputs for footwear, furniture, jewelry and apparel, is in full swing. For the event, which will take place on July 19 and 20, at Centro de Eventos da Federação das Indústrias do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (FIERGS), seven thousand visitors are expected from the main hubs of the Fashion chain in Brazil and from around the world. The exhibit is organized by Associação Brasileira das Empresas de Componentes para Couro, Calçados e Artefatos [Brazilian Association of Leather, Footwear and Component Companies] (Assintecal), along with Centro das Indústrias de Curtumes do Brasil [Brazilian Tanning Industry Center] (CICB), Associação Brasileira da Indústria Têxtil e de Confecção [Brazilian Textile and Apparel Industry Association] (Abit), Associação Brasileira das Indústrias do Mobiliário [Brazilian Furniture Industry Association] (Abimóvel), and Agência Brasileira de Promoção de Exportações e Investimentos [Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency] (ApexBrasil). The By Brasil Components, Machinery and Chemicals program organized the event along with Sebrae Nacional.
The superintendent of Assintecal, Silvana Dilly, points out that in addition to generating business, the event will feature an extensive content program, which in this edition will include aspects of Management and Sustainability. "INSPIRAMAIS is committed to leading the way for the components and raw materials sector. And there is only one path to follow, that of sustainability", she comments, emphasizing that the schedule of talks will be posted in the next few days. According to her, the program will contemplate sustainability aspects not only in the product, but in all production processes, taking into consideration the environmental, economic, social and cultural pillars. "Brazil has one of the most sustainable footwear production chains on the planet, so much so that it is the only one with an ESG certification at the global level called Sustainable Origin. But we know there is still a long way to go and that is why we will work on the concept during each day of the event," adds the superintendent.
Fashion[Quebra da Disposição de Texto]One of the highlights of INSPIRAMAIS, the INSPIRAMAIS Connection project, is already in the development phase of the products that will be presented at the event in Porto Alegre. The coordinator of the Nucleus of Design of the Exhibit, responsible for the research, is stylist Walter Rodrigues. The professional said the research was conducted during six months by Assintecal's consultants, in a hybrid format. For this edition, the research theme was Earth, which uses the concepts of sustainability and the metaverse as references. "The research takes into consideration care for planet Earth, the disruptions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and the innovations that will come from this process", adds Rodrigues, pointing out that the materials presented will include, in their conceptions, the concepts of biomimicry (references in nature), symbiosis (antagonistic organisms living in the same space/product) and the metaverse (simulated reality through computer innovation).
Businesses[Quebra da Disposição de Texto]As far as business is concerned, INSPIRAMAIS generates good expectations, given the recovery of the domestic market and, above all, exports. In the domestic market, the expectation is that the Exhibit will receive footwear manufacturers from the main Brazilian footwear hubs. "Footwear production, according to Associação Brasileira das Indústrias de Calçados [Brazilian Footwear Industry Association] (Abicalçados) should grow about 3% throughout the year, this after having grown almost 10% in 2021. Given the need to increase production to meet the growing demand, we have great expectations", says Silvana.
Internationally, INSPIRAMAIS will host another edition of the International Buyer Project, held through the By Brasil Components, Machinery and Chemicals program, a partnership between Assintecal and Agência Brasileira de Promoção de Exportações e Investimentos [Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency] (ApexBrasil). For the Project, which will attract buyers from the main footwear production hubs in the world, the expectation is very positive, given the excellent export scenario for the component sector. Data prepared by Assintecal point out that, in the first quarter, the sector's exports increased 16% in relation to the same period last year. In total, over US$ 105.6 million were generated with shipments of chemical products for footwear (adhesives), chemicals for leather, uppers, synthetic laminates, soles, insoles, among other materials.
Projects[Quebra da Disposição de Texto]INSPIRAMAIS will also include the traditional projects carried out by Assintecal and partners. One of them is the Creative Connection Hub, a movement of micro and small companies, startups, associations, cooperatives and designers that develop sustainable materials, products and solutions with positive impact for fashion and design. At INSPIRAMAIS, the project will have an exclusive space to present the developed products, with a strong artisan appeal.
Another highlight is the Leather Preview, a space with an exhibition of innovative leathers, and the Sustainability Space, with products aimed at the sustainability market.
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