Inspiration research, special projects, material launch and talks commence Inspiramais 2022_I

On the first day of the
100% digital event, the platform received over 5,000 visitors interested in
learning about what is new in the fashion market
Presentation of the research that guided the inspirations to create the materials launched in this edition of Inspiramais commenced the event on Tuesday (26). With the Antidote theme, developed from the reference research prepared by Inspiramais´ Research Center, the 1st marketplace for solutions in design, innovation and sustainability brought together exhibitors, buyers and visitors interested in seeing the 2022_I collection. The platform received 5,000 visitors on the first day of the event, which featured 28 talks, in addition to all the interactions at the virtual stands. Inspiramais´ official schedule continues on Wednesday (27). For the next 30 days, the platform will remain accessible, with talks, business rounds and other inspiring attractions.
In the morning, Walter Rodrigues, coordinator of Inspiramais´ Design Center, detailed the context used to created the theme. It takes into account the global scenario and reflects social distancing caused by the pandemic. New points of view, interaction with virtual tools, contemplation of nature, comfort and the search for ways to get out of this era that stopped the world are elements of the Antidote theme, divided between Daily Life and Naturar. To access the research, click here
Walter Rodrigues also spoke about the product pyramid methodology and its importance in the creative process. “It organizes the work steps within the construction of a collection. It is important to realize that, when we organize the collection, we are able to have a more assertive look at the products to be developed, in a more global way of thinking about it within the company”, he explains. The top corresponds to 10% of the pyramid (currently represented by the Antidote theme). It observe the company's DNA and analyses its specialties and market recognition. "Product development in the 10% relies on the idea of a global context and of observing new technologies for storytelling of the collection in search of a product for innovative consumers", he explains.
The second stage corresponds to 30% of the pyramid, where the Free Spirit theme is today (divided into Modern Classicism and New Romantic). It analyses the ranking of products, trends, catwalks, shop windows and travels. “There is product variation, but with a view to the multiplying consumer. The ideas that were difficult in the 10% were transformed into more possible projects and started to happen at this stage”, says Walter.
The Synchrony theme is at the base of the
pyramid (60%). “At this point, we are
talking about ranking, remaining trends, season hits, use of inventory, and,
mainly, of observing molds enshrined in new materials. The collections of
classics, commodities and basic items have a place here, observing the mass
market”, he concludes.
In the afternoon, designer Flávia Vanelli, curator of the Creative and Commercial Connection, presented 19 businesses with continuous innovation impact. "This challenging moment, which requires reinvention, combines science, design, art, handicrafts and technology, offering the market subsidies to innovate", Flávia highlights. The project reaches its 6th edition and counts on companies such as Amadeu, which offers consulting, research and development services, fashion products and projects, sustainable materials, rubber and rubberized materials, research and development of materials.
The company Apoena is also part of the project, which produces handmade bags made from butia leaves from the interior of Rio Grande do Sul, and Associação Bichos do Mar de Dentro, with handmade products involving painting on fabric, embroidery, felt and crochet.
Flávia also showed the work of Comas, which offers a redesign service to transform inactive inventories of clothing and textile waste through Sistema Comas de Upcycling Raiz [Comas´ upcycling system] and Banco de Tecido, which solves the surplus production of weavings, clothing and studios, putting this material back on the market through a mixed exchange and sale system. Contextura works with exclusive digital prints and handmade textures, combining art, design and sustainability. Da Tribu displayed its rubberized threads and fabrics from the Amazon.
Dona Rufina and Aurora rescue wool raw material and use it as an innovative alternative, such as in fashion design, furniture, footwear and automobiles. Grupo Canoa produces bags and accessories from recycled organic materials, such as fish scales, recycled rubber derived from the automotive industry and bags made out of leftover umbrellas. Cerradouro uses natural elements, stones, branches and metallic leaves.
Justa Trama develops, in addition to comfortable fashion pieces and the quality of agroecological cotton, fabrics and services for manufacturing and outsourced prints fairly and ethically, entering into and appreciating great partnerships. Ladrilã, on the other hand, is a group of artisans who make pieces from sheep's wool, home decor and fashion accessories. Rato Design Circular transforms waste into materials and products with design (trims, ornaments, laminates and products made from recycled plastics). Women's bags and accessories produced from recycled shrimp fishing nets and fish scales are the result of the work done by Redeiras.
The public
also got to see RitaProssi´s work, who produces bio jewelry inspired by fauna,
flora, myths, legends and Amazonian iconography. Sustainable processes benefit
the entire production chain from indigenous communities in the Upper Rio Negro
area to its distribution using handmade packaging. Trammô is a handmade and
original brand. It produces handmade
trims for fashion collections. Tropicca, on the other hand, is an
artisanal weaving process that uses
natural or recycled fibers leftover from the Brazilian textile industry. And Van
Loureiro Ecodesign + Zanza Crochê & Arte, which recycles plastic
pet bottles with macramé and are embroidered completely by hand.
Tour guided by innovation
Seeking to provide the experience of a guided tour, Walter Rodrigues led a tour of the virtual environment, going through all the materials presented in this edition of Inspiramais. Along with Tatiana Souza, consultant at the Design Center, they showed and discussed the launches based on the reference research in detail. According to Walter, the visit sought to take people to the universe of the Design Center: “It is essential to offer a space where you can find new materials and understand its contextualization along with its inspirations”, he pointed out.
Inspiramais has promotion from
Associação Brasileira de Empresas de Componentes para Couro, Calçados e
Artefatos [Brazilian Association of Leather, Footwear and Component Companies]
(Assintecal), Associação Brasileira da Indústria Têxtil e de Confecção
[Brazilian Association of Textile and Clothing Industry] (Abit), Centro das
Indústrias de Curtume do Brasil [Brazilian Tannery Industries Center] (CICB),
Associação Brasileira das Indústrias do Mobiliário [Brazilian Association of
Furniture Industries] (Abimóvel), Agência Brasileira de Promoção de Exportações
e Investimentos [Brazilian Export and Investment Promotion Agency]
(Apex-Brasil), through the By Brasil, Components, Machinery and Chemicals and
the Brazilian Leather project and support from some of the country's main
sector entities and partners, such as Abest, Abiacav, Abicalçados, In-Mod,
IBGM, Instituto By Brasil (IBB), ABVTEX, Francal, Ápice, Guia Jeans Wear,
Abrafati and Trans Rubber.
All of Inspiramais´
content and talks can be found on this link.