Inspiramais ends its hybrid edition with a preview of the 2023_I season

- Traditionally, the last day of the exhibit is marked by the presentation of the next theme
- The body is an archive of time. A record of human history. It is directly related to social, cultural, economic and behavioral aspects. It is based on these premises that the Research and Design Nucleus of Inspiramais worked to create the references that make up the theme of the 2023_I season: Body. “The body is extremely important for the times we are living in. It expresses our fragility and our strength to continue to project hope and life”, highlights the coordinator of the Research and Design Nucleus of Inspiramais, Walter Rodrigues, on the last day of the digital event, this Friday (16).
- In keeping with tradition, Inspiramais ended by presenting the preview of the next season, the result of work developed in April, based on research carried out by ten designers who make up the Research Nucleus. “The body is understood as a focal point, it gives meaning to the search for an understanding of its development, in the materialization of new behaviors, whether consumption, health, communication, after all, it speaks”, Rodrigues defended. The references demonstrate the theme's connection to science. The body linked to health, exercise, fitness and body reactions. Dance appears as a means of liberating the body, an opportunity to get close to each other.
- Another narrative linked to the 2023_I theme is diversity and multiple bodies. The various physical shapes, the genderless pieces, persons with disabilities, all find their place in fashion. “Increasingly, these fluid genres, these perceptions, pass through the body's idea of transcending the issue of fashion. Those of us who are making raw materials have to assimilate all these concepts and put them into our products”, he explained. Sustainability is also remembered in the season integrated with the theme. And the corset is a piece that demonstrates a change in posture, linked to the image of power, with adjusted silhouettes and an air of sovereignty.
- In relation to materials and shapes, there are pieces of waxed, polished leather, a light that falls on the fabrics, in addition to heavy materials, but with trim, in ample patterns, which create volume in the shoulders and collars. Neoprene and heavy knits also make an appearance, structured and new models of the perfecto jackets. Elements such as the print reminiscent of body stamps, the rubberized appearance, the glassy effect, the golden pieces, the fur and the destroyer style – reusing already-made pieces – complete the elements that help to tell the story linked to the Body.
- In addition to the talk on the theme of the next Inspiramais, the event ended with the presentation of items produced by tanneries that participated in the Leather Preview project, led by Marnei Carminatti, Design Management consultant at the Research and Design Nucleus of Inspiramais. In four days, the only exhibit for solutions in sustainability, technology and fashion for clothing, jewelry, footwear and furniture in Latin America featured inspirational lectures, national and international business rounds, exhibition of materials and promoted networking among the participants. Experimenting with the hybrid exhibition format, Abicalçados received an exclusive physical exhibition, attended by buyers interested in the main releases.
- Inspiramais Program
- The program begins with the formatting of research on behavior and global context — the basis for design management that the Research and Design Nucleus of Inspiramais provides to exhibiting companies. The objective is to guide the development of materials and expand business with other sectors. At Digital Inspiramais, materials developed from research and special projects that foster innovation and sustainability are presented.
- Inspiramais is promoted by Associação Brasileira de Empresas de Componentes para Couro, Calçados e Artefatos [Brazilian Association of Leather, Footwear and Component Companies] (Assintecal), Associação Brasileira da Indústria Têxtil e de Confecção [Brazilian Association of Textile and Clothing Industries] (Abit), Centro das Indústrias de Curtume do Brasil [Brazilian Tannery Industries Center] (CICB), Associação Brasileira das Indústrias do Mobiliário [Brazilian Association of Furniture Industries] (Abimóvel). It has partnerships with Sebrae Nacional - Serviço Brasileiro de Apoio às Micro e Pequenas Empresas [Brazilian Support Service for Micro and Small Enterprises] and promotion from Agência Brasileira de Promoção de Exportações e Investimentos [Brazilian Export and Investment Promotion Agency] (Apex-Brasil), through the By Brasil, Components, Machinery and Chemicals project. The main sectorial entities in the country are supporters and partners: Abest, Abiacav, Abicalçados, In-Mod, IBGM, ABVTEX, Ápice, Guia Jeans Wear and Abrafati.
- For more information, contact Assintecal´s Marketing area
- (51) 3584-5200