Inspiramais releases fashion in footwear materials in July

Preparation of the fashion chain for the 26th edition of INSPIRAMAIS, an exhibit that will present over a thousand materials divided into components and inputs for footwear, furniture, jewelry and apparel, is in full swing. For the event, which will take place on July 19 and 20, at Centro de Eventos da Federação das Indústrias do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (FIERGS), seven thousand visitors are expected from the main hubs of the Fashion chain in Brazil and from around the world. The exhibit is organized by Associação Brasileira das Empresas de Componentes para Couro, Calçados e...
Continue readingInspiramais ends its hybrid edition with a preview of the 2023_I season

Traditionally, the last day of the exhibit is marked by the presentation of the next theme The body is an archive of time. A record of human history. It is directly related to social, cultural, economic and behavioral aspects. It is based on these premises that the Research and Design Nucleus of Inspiramais worked to create the references that make up the theme of the 2023_I season: Body. “The body is extremely important for the times we are living in. It expresses our fragility and our strength to continue to project hope and life”, highlights the coordinator of the Research and...
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